Wednesday 13 April 2011

Taffic Lights

What NOT to do at a set of Traffic Lights

Do not think at anytime that it is a good idea to get out of you car at a set of traffic lights, even when red.
Today while Driving Me (Marc) and Joe stopped at a set of traffic lights the people in the car next to us proceeded to stop get out of their car and open their boot and search for their cigarettes. This a good idea? No
WTF crazy lady.

The Inhabitance of Apartment 16p

The inhabitance of appartment 16p:
  • Pip (aka, Snorlax, The Sloth and Pumba)
  • Joe (aka, Pepe) 
  • Marc
Inhabitance - Details on the occupants.

We the occupants of 16p are going to help you find out anything you need to know about everything.
Also the random epic events of our lives are now open to the public.